Miss Lee is about the story of Lee Sun-Sim (played by Hyeri), who starts out at the very bottom of an organization in an electronics company...
The newest Korean drama sensation Catch the Ghost about to skyrocket the television network tvN. The latest drama is about a young woman named Yoo Ryeong (played...
One of the things that we appreciate during our birthday is not only the present but also a Birthday Letter especially if it’s from a significant...
Profile Title: Tale of Nokdu Also Known as: Joseonroko Nokdujeon Hangul: 조선로코 녹두전 Director: Kim Dong-Whee Writer: Hye Jin Yang , Im Ye-Jin, Baek So-Yeon Network:...
From the upcoming korean drama “The Running Mates: Human Rights”, the character of Han Yoon-Seo (Lee Yo-Won) who works as an investigator for the Human Rights...