JTBC announced for the Chief of Staff Season 2 a political drama series will be now seen on television this November. Chief of Staff Season 2...
SBS released their new action -comedy-drama entitled, “Good casting“. The story revolves around a middle-aged agent woman who was too excessive with her job. The main...
Unasked Family tells us the story of an unexpected mother named Kang Yeo-Won (played by Choi Yoon-So) and an orphan named Bong Chun-Dong (played by Sul...
A remake of US television series “Leverage” that was aired last 2008-2012 in TNT will be seen once again in its newest Korean version. It is...
Crazy Romance, as its name suggests, is truly a crazy romantic drama viewer will surely love. The story is about the romance between the characters Jae-Hoon...