“Happiness” behind the scenes of episodes 5 and 6! “Happiness” is an apocalyptic urban thriller set in the near future inside an apartment building that is...
OCN’s weekend drama “Chimera” has revealed behind-the-scenes cuts of Park Hae Soo and Lee Hee Joon! “Chimera” stars Park Hae Soo as violent crimes detective Cha...
New Romance Drama “Now We Are Breaking Up” The day has finally come when we can see Song Hye Kyo and Jang Ki Yong’s highly anticipated...
“Melancholia” Premiere “Melancholia” is a new tvN series airing on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and we are very excited. The series is a romance drama surrounding two...
SBS’s “One the Woman” released its final behind-the-scenes video! The new making-of video begins with Honey Lee commenting, “I can’t believe time has passed so quickly...